Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Not under estimating the enemy

I got unhooked today from my chemo wand. This round is going pretty well, but I am laying really low (shrinking my field of engagement). I have a packed weekend and I want to enjoy it, so I lay low and wait. My boys come home tomorrow. Mason has a routine at my parents meaning "chores". He kennels the dogs at night and gets them up in the morning. The problem is that he now using the dog doors. Bit of a problem - does he think he is a dog????? Oh well, things could be worse and at least he will grow out of it! Enjoy your day. I am going to lay here for a while longer and then start washing. Love, me


Anonymous said...

Angela: I have been thinking about you and so happy to hear that you are really doing well. I love the little stories about your boys as my first two children were boys, 16 mos. apart. It brings back memories. Everyone here in fl. is keeping you in thoughts and prayers. You still amaze us and we all admire your spunk and spirit. Have a wonderful week end with your family. With Love, Charlene G.

Anonymous said...

My children used to eat out of the dog's food bowl since kibbles seemed always available (this was before the Chinese animal food contamination). At a certain age all creatures are equal. I used to remind them of that when they were teenagers and I ran out of patience. You will be able to say "listen big guy I knew you when you used to come in and out of the house by the pet door".
You sound good Ang, keep on healing. love, pat&mag