Tuesday, July 31, 2007

The Scan Today - Results Tomorrow

I am about to go for my CT scan at 10:30 today. It should take about 3 mins. Three minutes. Last night, I woke up and started thinking about how I would stress out about tests in high school and college. I would think that I didn't study enough or, if I just asked the prof a few more questions I would understand the basis of the theory more, etc. This test I cannot study for, I cannot prep for, I cannot ask questions about. There is no extra credit, no way to improve my score. The funny thing is I am not stressed about it. I am anxious - I want to know if I do well TODAY, but that ain't going to happen. No matter what you do those people won't give you an inch - they are like international spies! They give you NADA, ZERO. I don't even try to charm them anymore - it is USELESS and I am charming (when I want to be)! Oh well, one day at a time and one test at a time. Thank you for all the good wishes, phone calls, emails, cards, and hugs. I am going to do my best today - it is all I got. Love, Ang


Anonymous said...

Yes, you will do your best. You have that, and you have an army of loved ones praying and cheering with every step you take.

Anonymous said...

Hi there Angie
You should be done with your scan
you have a lot of people sending you their best me included.
Stay strong my friend and keep up that Stamina I so admire in you.
Will plan a visit with your Grandma soon.
Take care
Love and prayers
Peggy Smith

Anonymous said...

Hi Angie, I´m Gracie, Graciela´s dauther, No se bien que decirte más que estas en nuestras oraciones y nuestros corazones, todo va a salir bien, tienes que estar bien por tí, tus chiquitos y toda la gente que te quiere; esta noticia nos dejo helados, pero estamos al pendiente de tí, cuidate mucho y que Dios los bendiga. xxxooo Tienes a mucha gente resando por tí y lo vamos a lograr

Anonymous said...

Angie, I wish there was an instrument that showed you the number of people that are thinking about you and who are pulling for you right now, because you would have that thing pegged to the maximum reading!!! You are not in this thing alone. Have a great evening!

Myrna said...

Angie, our thoughts and major prayers are with you. You know, no matter what the test results are you are the same person you were before...you just know a little more than you did. And no matter what, I believe you'll live each day to the fullest--for years and years to come! Love to you and the family

becky from spokane said...

Dear angie, You are in my prayers. Love, Becky from spokane.....

Unknown said...

Dear sweet Angie, These tests can cause some people to need tranqualizers just to get to the test, let alone the results! They warned me about it at Dr Rivkin's. Remember no matter what it shows your doctor will handle it. All our love is with you. Elaine and Dan