Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Things I learned in the last five days....

Now, y'all may believe that I talk a lot, and I do, but I really don't get much of an opportunity.  My life is very quiet - especially every other week.  So, last weekend, I went to soccer for both boys - cheered/yelled for the team, visited with my Aunt on Saturday - talking, went to dinner with a couple neighbors - talking, went sailing on Sunday - talking AND THEN I lost my voice.  Not a little, but completely.  I can't make a phone call, I can't talk, I can't visit, I can't read to my kids, NADA!  I have learned that I love the sound of my voice and that you use it more than you think.  I tried to go through a drive thru out of habit - BIG MISTAKE.  And, yes, Grant has been in a little bit of heaven and even he is like, "COME ON!"  Just started coming back - THANK GOD!  Happy Wednesday, Ang


Anonymous said...

You have a beautiful voice and it will come back. Mag and I speak of your courage often and miss seeing you. love pat&mag

Anonymous said...

Those who say silence is bliss obviously haven't lost their voice: ) Thanks for the smile.

Unknown said...

Hi Ang,

Your friend Ryan (UPS driver) passed your blog on to me a while back. I was in radiation at the time which beat me down more than I thought It would and them the school year started, Wo-ah. Anyways, 6 weeks later here I am (which really for anyone going through treatments is right on time for catching up with anything not related to cancer:) I did not realize when he told me about you, you were currently in chemo treatment. I love your spririt in you blog - how else do we fight this but with a sassy, unstoppable attitude! I have stage IV breast cancer with bone mets primarily to the spine and torso, but they did find some this summer on my hips. At this point I would say I am doing pretty good over all! Soccer games, homework, dinner, shower, repeat... :) I wish you all the best, keep fighting. Ryan gave my your phone number, so I will shoot you a text with my email address.