Sunday, March 14, 2010

Life now....

So, I have been merrily going along but I still notice that things are REALLY different now. Physically, I am doing well. My body is 20 lbs heavier than I would like it but I have been told that I should be kind to it and not too frustrated for a while.....exercise, eat well, and be very thankful that it fought the fight it did. Emotionally, I am well. I still get the tears of joy and gratefulness. The last one was when we were saying goodbye to Rob and Jen at Big White in British Colombia. I just choked up and could not speak for a second. I never thought I would be back in Eastern BC - and even more - SKIING! But there are a couple things that are REALLY different. First, remember my spot? The place that my friend set up that I was to be able to feel anything, be anything, and have to help me process my mourning, sadness, etc? Well, I still have it. I now share that room (the study) with Grant and one day he put something on my chair (in my spot) and I said, "Yeah, here is the thing, I will share my office, but not my spot. Get it off." He looked at me a little like, "Wow, she was nicer in cancer treatment.....", but he moved it. My spot is still used, in fact, the other day, I was looking at my spot...and smiling. My spot consists of a big chair with a table next to it and a small basket. On the table, there is a picture of Bob and I, a candle from the one that helped me create the "spot", a Tinkerbell from Jane, a angel from my childhood best friend, worry beads from someone I never met, and a coaster for a beverage. The basket is for miscellaneous cancer stuff. Now, instead of a hot drink on the coaster because of my temperature sensitivity, I had a beer. Wow, how times have changed. Another thing, I rarely use the computer downstairs anymore. It doesn't go to treatment with me, it doesn't sit next to the bathtub for email, movies, or hulu, it just is for the kids - Nick Jr. to be exact. Last week, Mason was complaining about it and said it was slow, so I worked on it a bit, cleaned it up and now it is "acceptable" (Mason's word) again. (I was like, "Dude, we didn't even have movies at home when I was a kid!!!" Crap - I am so sounding like my parents with the, "we walked to school in the snow uphill BOTH ways......we only had one radio.......I used to freeze at night.....imagine life without plastic....) But, I digress......I also cleaned the screen, the mouse pad, and the keyboard. Dear Lord, how can a kids get something so gross????? But here is the BIG difference......during cancer treatment, that computer was cleaner than any computer I have every had. Not because of germs, because it was the window to my world. Now, it isn't. Now, I am IN THE WORLD. :) Ang


Anonymous said...

Hi Ang, Just caught up on your blog and thought to myself how much has changed. You are so awesome. I have missed being with you but I know that things are going well. I sure enjoyed being with all of you here in Kauai. It was a wonderful evening and can't wait for you all to return. It has been raining here and a very soaked rooster just went below my window, he looks so pathetic. Take care and my prayers and love go out to all of you. Judi

Anonymous said...

Good spirit Ang, you establish dominance over "my spot" and I know that you are back in charge.
Like your friend Judi's rooster you may be a little bedraggled but you still strut with pride.God bless you and love you, pat&mag

Kari George said...

Ah...such words of wisdom! You always have a way of making me chuckle AND think (as I say 'hmmm' to myself). Thanks for being my friend! I am so very thankful you are in my life! I so need a spot...maybe you can help me create one for myself???
