Thursday, November 13, 2008

Well, this is a pickle.

Okay, I am doing better HOWEVER I am in a bit of a pickle. For those of you that have been following my blog, Bob was/is a big influence over my cancer treatment and life. Well, last December, Bob wanted to put the "fun" back in cancer and applied to be in the Colonder. It is a caleandar of Colon/Rectal Cancer Survivors under 50. He really really wanted me to apply with him. Well, I was in radiation at the time and I gotta say "fun" wasn't what I was experiencing. I told him that he should do it and I would apply for 2010. He said, "You promise? Because you are just what they are looking for." I replied, "Yes." I reinterated that promise some months after before Bob left us in July which for all of you that follow this blog knew what a blow for me that was. Well, I finally requested the application and to my horror the deadline is next week. For the last two days I have been frantically putting together the application and "long bio". I have alined two of my friends - both amazing writers - to edit my work. So, here is what I am asking from you. Please post anything that you believe should not be left out of my bio. Was there something that hit you and that you cannot forget that you believe would be good for the review team to know? Please post this by 3:00pm PST tomorrow, Friday the 14th. Thank you. For those of you that are saying to yourself, "Ang, he would give you a break. Don't worry about this." I know, but you also know that I do not promise anything lightly. My father taught me that a promise is a promise. All you are is as good as your word. I will keep my promise and this application will be in the mail by Monday. Thank you - Ang


Charlene Waymire said...

Can we just send them an archive of your blog? Seriously. I don't think there is any one defining moment. It has been your courage and determination through this entire journey that is awe-inspiring.

I love the story about the young girl who thought you were there to give moral support to someone else - until she overheard you talking. And how she got the courage to reach out to you to ask for help. It still brings tears to my eyes because it is so telling about who you are and how impactful you are on everyone around you.

Love you lots and I'm glad to hear that you are feeling better.

Myrna said...

Angie, There are so many things we love about your blog, but I really tried to focus in on what makes your journey so compelling for me. And it comes down to this: You have developed the ability to live each day as fully as possible and during times you are drawn to despair over the unknown future you even live that fully in the moment.

I recently heard a definition of truth that has clung to me... truth is "reality unveiled". Your reality is pretty unveiled and your story is powerful.

I loved the story of your needing to drink some stuff for a test and you insisted on having your "juice" even though they had to change some "rules" for you to do that. Well done!

Can't wait to see the colondar.

Anonymous said...

Your process toward diagnosis, through the quest for two beautiful boys, "Rock Stars" both of them, is a stunner for me. You are a text book case of endurance throughout an immersion in the medical world that just won't let you go. YET! You deserve an honorary medical degree, just for the time you have spent in withstanding medical procedures.

Anonymous said...

The whole process is amazing. What you learned with Bob about coping and adjusting to the reality of your illness is going to be helpful to any one who faces the same problem. "Sharing" can sound superficial except when it comes to what you have to share, the most profound experiences of life. As some of your friends say "you go girl" let it all hang out,others can learn from every revelation you have had.
love pat&mag

leslie kendall said...

Hi Ang - Wow! You are going to be a Colonder Girl!!!!! Our own celebrity. I think you should add how you have created a blog and brought people together who have never met and how we now not only care, love, and pray for you, but now are concerned for each other. I feel like Pat and Mag are my aunt and uncle who I've never met.
Bob is happily looking down and missing you as you miss him. You have opened your heart and life when many of us would be hiding out.
Have a great weekend my friend -

Anonymous said...

Yu are an inspiration to all of us. I was having a bad day yesterday, when we talked, and you had just the right words to say. Thankyou!

Hope the pound puppy was retreived.

I think that you should talk about your boys and sunrises. Especially in the beginning, you would talk about smelling behind their ears, and the you of being up with the sun. I have always, and still do find that inspiring. There are so many things that tie us down, yet, simple things that we take for granted are the most important. The sweet smell of our children, that is theirs and theirs alone. The joy of watching a new day break.

Thank you for sharing these joys alongyour journey and reminding all of us to acknowledge them!


Anonymous said...

Okay, I've missed the deadline but I had to write. I agree wholeheartly with what everyone has said. You've taught us all so much through your journey. To appreciate the little things in life and take nothing for granted. You really do have a blog community here that love you and support you. I just appreciate how very REAL you are, through the good, bad and the ugly:-)
You are a slam dunk for the colondar!!! They will raise alot of money next year because you know that each of your blogging community will buy at least 10 each.
You are a great writer and your story will touch many many lives.
I was sad to see that Bob didn't make the 2009 colondar. He will be sooo proud of you.
Your unmet friend