Wednesday, March 23, 2011

No complications....

We were in the 80%. Pathology comes in five days. Really loopy. Love, Ang


Steve Chamberlin said...

Fantastic! Thanks for the update. And thanks to the doctor with the steady hand. 80% is 100% success.

Rest well,

Anonymous said...

Fab! Thanks for posting so quickly...


Vicki Olafson said...

WHOO HOO. Can I say you are a blog junky!! I think we'd all like to kiss your doctors about now. Hugs and get some rest!


Anonymous said...

Wonderful news!!
Thanks for the speedy post. Now go get some rest!!

Kari George said...

How exciting Ang! How does it feel to be cancer free?? Here's to a speedy recovery!

Charlene Waymire said...

It must have gone well if you are posting your own update! I admit that I half wondered this morning if I would be getting a call. :)

You've got yourself an amazing team of doctors and I suppose it really shouldn't be a surprise to anyone that between them and you being a stellar patient - that you land in the successful side of the spectrum.

Now get some rest, would you?

Anonymous said...

You go healthy girl!

Kuroiwa-Johnson Family said...

Great news! Heal well!

Laurie said...

You are so typically thoughtful to send us news, even though you should be blowing us off and resting. Am so happy for you and your family.
Talk soon.

Myrna said...

Well, thanks for your update, loopy one. Rest, Rest, Rest... You are awesome!

Anonymous said...


Cheryl & crew

Dawn Finlayson said...

Yeah!!! Glad to hear the good news.

Anonymous said...

Fabulous news. Lots of prayers were sent for your benefit. Know that every day you are on my mind with positive thoughts for a speedy, Pam

Unknown said...

Dear Angie, Nothing else could have been the outcome. We all love you so much that the universe knew better than to pick the 20%!! Love Elaine

Anonymous said...

Yeah, been praying all day!
Unmet friend

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Excellent news! Team Angie!

Anonymous said...

Wowie zowie you're goin to Maui!

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear from you and you are through with the surgery.
Take lots of time to heal and rest.

Peggy Smith

Unknown said...

Great news!!! Rest up! Love Jo-Ann, Peter, Amelia and Paige,