As a lot of you know, I used to hand stamp over 100 cards and send a micro Christmas letter. Not any more. This is my Christmas letter and it is being sent on Christmas morning. So, here goes.....2010 was a interesting year. Grant started his own business with long time coworker Mike Byers. They named it CRETE and with all of the good work and marketing they did they are still in business and now concerned about having done too well. I consider that a GOOD problem. Seriously - how is that a problem???? WHATEVER! Next year will be a lot different because they are moving out of Mike's house (free rent makes any bottom line seem wonderful)and getting office space. Here is to Grant GETTING OUT OF MY OFFICE!!!! But seriously, I am really proud of the success of CRETE and how Grant and I handled the year. Clearly, June and July were a shock when my cancer was back and the end of the year has been stressful because, count them, BOTH of my medical insurance companies have been fighting over who is primary and NEITHER were paying my claims and still are not, but I wrote the right letter to the right people and now we are just waiting on one piece of paper - nice. I offered to create, forge, do anything to get the peice of paper they need, but apparently I can't. Now, it is Christmas and we should not dwell on that crap! Moving on.......Mason and Nolan have had a great Christmas - despite their requently questionable behavior!!!! Here is a story.....We have the Christmas Elf that visits us every year. He watches the boys during the day and then flies back to Santa EVERY night to report their behavior. Well, one night we were out for a Christmas adventure with Karissa and her kids and Nolan wasn't eating his dinner, so I said, "What will the elf think?" and he, without missing a beat said in perfect English with perfect grammar, "The elf can't see me. He is at home." I was dumbfounded - speechless - what do I do with that??? Quickly Karissa took over, "Oh yeah buddy, well Santa knows EVERYTHING and you want presents don't you?!?!?!?" Shockingly, he ate. In addition on the way home, Mason was trying to crack jokes which all involved underwear, pee, poo, etc.. At the same time, Nolan was taking about his favorite planet - URANUS. "PEE PEE POOP POOP UNDERWEAR!" "We live on Uranus! Santa is coming to Uranus! Uranus - Uranus - Uranus!" I have to say, my kids are all class. I am SOOOOOOO proud. So, there you have it a typical Christmas in an average family. I do have medical updates but I am not ready to talk about those. They are fine, and I will be fine. It is nothing that can't be managed and luckily I got alotta good managers. The first week of January the decisions will be made and I will do what I have to. So, a little prayer between now and then will not go unnoticed and would be GREATLY appreciated. Forever grateful for so many things, Angie, Grant, Mason and Nolan